Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to read palms !

According to a document relics of the ancient Greeks, it turns out you can see the future by simply looking at your hands. But few people today are aware of it that some of the great thinkers are experts in predicting the future. If you want to try actually quite simple to learn in a few minutes.

Highly effective system is a testament to the genius of the famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle that. Aristotle defined methodical system consists of 4 simple steps to see the future in your hands.

The first step is to remove the left hand.
Hands of the most important is the left hand because of the lines most visible and has the most direct communication with the heart and brain.

The second step is to note the four lines.
Four key line is the most important indicator of one's personal and their fate. The first is the life line, this line is curved between the index finger and thumb to the base of the hand. This line shows the overall fate. The second is the heart line or a table line, the line at the top of the palm below the pinky finger to bottom. Reveal the overall health. Third is the center line of the so-called head lines also in the modern art of palm reading, across the middle of the palm of the hand between the life line and heart line. Disclose personal success. Fourth is the Venus line, a line that curved like a smile that circles the base second and third toes. Shows luck in love

The third step is to observe the lines on your hands. 
In general, the more smooth and straight lines of the hands of the more smooth and straight path of your life in that field. Someone with a long line of life and smooth under the head of the jagged lines or interrupted the possibility of living prosperous but vulnerable to stress-related illnesses due to work overload. Folds that connect or separate the lines that one is also very meaningful. Asterisks on the life line can be a sign of trouble. But the head of the line indicates prosperity. Crosses usually show mercy but in the line of the head can be a sign of health problems.

The fourth step, consider the form of hand.
Look at your hands as to what form to find out your personality. If you have long skinny arms then indicates a good understanding, peaceful nature and quick thinking but be careful with the old indecision when making decisions. Hand short, thick then it indicates the person is a hardworking, loyal, strong character, but beware of his anger. Hand shape provides the tools you need to strengthen your lines and avoid the pitfall he showed.

line liver
reflect an emotional response. The more curved lines to your heart the more emotional one. Lines with a scratch in showing the emotional stress that can cause health problems such as anxiety and stress.

Faint line indicates a lack of passion that people prefer to pursue emotional pleasure.

Curved lines show personality warm, open and friendly.

Straight line reflects the cold.

The line that starts high in the upper and the longer it reflects someone who is idealistic.

The lines are short, straight and starts high then it indicates someone who is feeling cold.

The line that starts in between your forefinger and second finger showed the ability to maintain a healthy balance between idealism and practical things.

head lines
shows you how to think, analyze and understand the information.
Long line and firmly show people with a personality that is very iamjinatif and creative.

Short line reflects the practical nature but less flexible.

Establish or wavy lines that reflect poor concentration and responsibility.

The lines are etched in showing a person who likes to be praised. The deeper the line, the more selfish nature. Lines with a wide spacing between lines of head and heart lines. Conversely, if the distance is close to the show an emotional person.

Lines associated with the life line
shows a sensitive person, full of self-doubt and difficult to understand. The possibility of low achievers.

More faint lines on the right hand than left hand
reflects the negative thoughts and obedient. If there are more subtle lines in the left hand means having a strong reasoning.

The line of life,
shows the physical conditions and spirit of life. Do not worry if your life line of ugly or not firm. Chances are it means you do not have a very strong physical condition but does not mean your life short.

With a scratch in a long line reflects a strong physical condition.

Line is not interrupted by a scratch in showing people who are passionate, bright and full of enthusiasm.

Curved lines in the show under the thumb of people who love to stay at home rather than traveling or to a party. 
But if you only have a small social circle then you need to travel and feel the changes.

A single line indicates the person has an open nature.

Lines are established, showing the owner often too trusting to others.

Line with the tip of branching showed people that are anxious and busy.
Line of fate
demonstrate responsibility and your general approach to life.
People with a full line of fate are honest, forthright, always acting honestly and be aware of its role in society. Although rare to find a full line of fate in his hands but it does show that people have an intuitive awareness of the environment.
Not having the fate line shows a less objective, people who are not sure and not well established. It also indicates the person is not too concerned with appearances.
Line on the right hand showing has the ability to become a better and has a strong sense of initiative.
Line on the left hand showed a lot of people who have dreams but little ability to make it happen.
Branched and relay lines indicate people who can travel many roads before finally finding a happy way.

(lifted from the book "how to read palms" works anneAhira)

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